Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Rabies Rabies Rabies is a infection transmittable to humans and certain other mammals by the saliva of an channel animal. Infection is through a bite or by skin or mucous membrane contact with infect saliva. The period of the dis outrank can be as niggling as ten days or as commodious as wiz year; the usual time is adept to two months. A victim who is vaccinated shortly after the animal bite will be protected against rabies. If a victim is not vaccinated, death usually occurs within a week of the onset of symptoms. Animals that mainly carry Rabies argon skunks, raccoons, bats, foxes, cats, cattle, and pawls. Most cases of rabies in humans are caused by bites from wieners while outside the United States. In almost 25 per cent of human rabies cases, the source of the infection is unknown. The dog is a relatively rare source of the disease, in great part because of the enforcement of animal control ordinances. The animal, even if a round the bend animal, behaves abnormally, often without...If you want to get a full essay, ramble it on our website:

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