Sunday, February 9, 2014

Prehistoric and Near Eastern Art: Creative Writing in addition to research/factual information regarding obscure works from these periods

It is 2300 A.D., and as the matriarch of our refining, Satine, I am sending the kingly court artificeisans to ancient civilizations to gather inspirational artifacts for our developing art program. Although we hurl unlimited means to acquire such workings of art, the civilizations we argon most interested argon far extraneous from our province of Satine. In addition to inspiration through art, we are also evolving in our architecture. This society does non have an official confidence; there is separation between church and state and twain individuals are free to practice their religion of choice, so bank as it does not impose upon others. Satine has precise rich soil, human beings that our empire is located near many bodies of water, has ample precipitation, and a warm climate, which we take full advantage. Our fertile lands are the determination of envy from touch civilizations, thus resulting in the threat of aggression and ultimate demise of our civiliza tion. Although the community seeks me to make all decisions, I view the citizens of this coating as a council, through which I am able to gain new perspectives, which may suppose my decisions. However, my decisions are more suggestions than the final say. Each resident in our culture is encouraged to seek insight through a high education; therefore, our population has an exceptionally high literacy rate. This civilization is very economically stable because of our quest for knowledge. I sway apiece citizen to contribute in some way to the amelioration of our community. I expect each citizen, including myself, to question and engage in intellect conversation. Although our culture is always open to change for the better, we do not welcome outsiders due to the high risk of surrounding civilizations overthrowing our internally peaceful community. I sent the court artisans to side at the art... If you necessity to get a full essay, found it on our website:

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