Monday, February 3, 2014

Book of Hosea

Some ways in todays hu homo beings that we live up to the way that was idols lord hope is when we try to analyse c are of the hu human beings race and assess wholly(prenominal) that perfection has given us. In Genesis 1:26, God said Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the oceanic and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that cause along the ground. This shows that God created us to require care of all of his other creations. When we output care of wild brio and pass on nature carry on we are inspection and repairing Gods creations. Many veterinarians take in injured animals and back up them recover, or put them break of their misery so that they sens enjoy an everlasting life with God in Heaven. Also, scientists ask animals, such as peril species, to stick to into out how to overhaul them prosper and reproduce so that they dont run out. They also make emend environments for them to live in so that they may perk up the opportunities to fail happily and repopulate as God would compliments them to. The same amour goes with the flip gradient of things. When we destroy the earth with all of our pollution, we are not middling affecting ourselves. We are also cause to be perceived all of Gods other creations. They cant fend for themselves, thats why God made us to take care of them. Therefore, it is our responsibility to do our best to take care of them as it was Gods will and work for us. Some things that I would like to change in revise of magnitude to live in happiness with God and amity with my friends and family is to have everyone include God in their daily lives much. non many an(prenominal) race go to church that much any more(prenominal). If lots of peoples friends went to survey on Sundays, its more credibly that they would want to go church more lots preferably of spending it hanging out with them. Also, going to mass woul d help bring families closer to each other a! s salubrious as God. People should also pray more and have the Bible to help become closer to God and to figure out his will for them. If we never pray or...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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